The Universe is no longer waiting around for me


Hello World! Well here I am in April 2020, during the Covid-19 lockdown in Toronto. While I tried starting this site a few months ago, my life and career kept sidetracking me. From completing a company acquisition to working with new bosses to just the daily challenges of life and staying on my own wellness schedule, this website started with gusto and good intention but never got the full attention it needed. Now with Covid-19 and 4 weeks of quarantine under my belt, the universe is saying ‘Girrlll, you need to get back to your real purpose and I made the world stop so you can get your ass in gear. No more excuses!

So here I am on a Saturday of the first long weekend in April, with my cup of coffee and a quiet house trying to figure out WordPress. I realized after an hour of getting re-acquainted with this platform and trying to fix colours, fonts and categories that I am missing the point and should just follow the recommended steps ( the top two are writing ‘About Me’ and my first blog). As I followed instructions (which is very hard for my stubborn personality), I realized in writing ‘About Me’ and this first blog that it has helped connect me back to that little tingle, that spark that you get in your entire body when you know something is feeling just right.

So thanks Covid-19 and thank-you to the universe for not gently but rather shoving me back to this path because it was so very easy to just skirt this new project all these months. Now I have no excuses, except for perhaps the excruciating task of figuring out WordPress! But all worth it as my brain starts learning new things and I am starting to feel that rare spark again.